Litwithprayer Podcast

Facing Your Greatest Fear: Genesis 30-33

Litwithprayer Podcast

This week we conclude Jacob’s journey from being a deceiver, running away from his greatest fear, becoming a victim of deception, paying the price, and finally maturing as a leader and returning to face his greatest fear.

Throughout Jacob’s journey we see that God was faithful to his Word and kept him safe and blessed him despite his many shortcomings. God was very patient and it took Jacob 20 years before he was ready to face his greatest fear. It was time for Jacob to become the leader of his household and separate himself from his father-in-law. He decided to go to his own homeland and face his brother Esau who swore that he would kill him because of what he had done. Although Esau sold his birthright with its many privileges for a pot of stew and was tricked out of the first born blessing, God had blessed him as well.  

By the time Jacob left for his homeland, he had become very wealthy with livestock, servants, and possessions. Because Laban, his father-in-law, had deceived him many times and cheated him of his wages, Jacob and his family, servants, livestock left in the middle of the night without Laban or his son’s knowledge. They left while Laban was away shearing his sheep. When Laban returned and saw they had left, he and his men pursued after Jacob. It took seven days but he caught up with them. During this time God had given Laban a dream and told him, “Be careful that you speak to Jacob, neither good nor bad.” Although Laban could have harmed Jacob, God warned him not to entice him with rewards or threaten him with harm to force him to go back to Laban’s household. It was God’s will for Jacob to go back to his home. After Laban said his goodbyes and blessed his daughters and family, Laban and Jacob made an agreement of peace between their families. Laban returned to his home and Jacob continued on his journey.

God took care of Jacob and now the final challenge was ahead of him. Jacob sent some of his servants to Esau with a message saying that he had flocks, donkeys, oxen, and servants and asked to find favor or grace in Esau’s sight. Then the servants returned to Jacob and reported that Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men. Instantly Jacob became very  afraid and stressed out. He thought about his family and how they may get killed by Esau. Jacob decided to divide his group into two companies so if Esau attacked the front company, the second company could escape and may live.

Jacob then prayed to God  for deliverance admitting that he was not worthy of God’s mercies and that he was afraid. In his prayer he reminded God of His promises to keep things well with him and that he would have a great number of descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered. If he and his family are killed there would be no descendants. Jacob then sent his servants with large numbers of camels, goats, rams, and other livestock. They were to meet Esau and tell him that they were gifts from Jacob and that he was behind and will meet him. Jacob had three waves of gifts for Esau. While the gift presentations were done, Jacob was hoping that the gifts would calm his brother and he would spare the lives of his family. He took his wives and children and sent them further back for their protection should anything happen to him.

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