Litwithprayer Podcast

God is Faithful: Genesis 30:25-43

Litwithprayer Podcast

God is faithful to His Word and His promises. In Genesis 12:1-3, God promised Abraham that He would multiply his descendants as the stars in the sky. He would be their God and give them a specific piece of land forever. From that promise came Isaac who was born to Abraham when he was 100 years old and his wife Sarah 90 years old. Isaac married Rebekkah and they had the twins Jacob and Esau. Although Esau was born first the birthright blessing went to Jacob.

Jacob obtained the birthright blessings through deceit, but would experience being deceived by his uncle Laban. During his twenty years working for his uncle, he had been tricked into marrying Leah instead of her younger sister Rachel and had to work for 14 years to pay off his debt for Rachel. The next six years he would work to provide for his growing family and build his own wealth. God had promised Jacob that he would be blessed and while he was with Laban, Laban was blessed. Laban used Jacob and changed his wages ten times. Because God was with Jacob, Laban’s wealth increased and naturally he didn’t want the blessings to leave.

Jacob wanted to go back to his home and take care of his own family. By this time he had many sons with Leah and one son, Joseph, with Rachel. He asked his uncle for his wages. Although Laban didn’t want him to leave with his family he agreed to give Jacob all the spotted, speckled, and streaked livestock of sheep and goats. This was a good deal for Laban because he expected very few would go to Jacob. Jacob separated the livestock so they would not breed with Laban’s flock and produce spotted, streaked, or speckled offspring. Any newborns that were speckled, spotted, or streaked would go to Jacob.

Jacob continued to take care of the livestock and did something unusual. When the animals would go to the water troughs to drink, he put in some sticks of peeled poplar, chestnut, and almond branches so that the white parts would be exposed. When the animals came to drink they would also breed.  Jacob used the sticks when the stronger flocks would drink and remove them when the weaker ones came to drink. When the animals gave birth they produced spotted, speckled, and streaked offspring. Remember, these animals were not spotted, speckled, and streaked to begin with, so it was God that blessed Jacob.  The number of Jacob’s flocks increased greatly and Laban could not cheat him out of his wages. It was plain to see the difference in the flocks. When Laban’s sons began to complain that Jacob was becoming wealthy off of their father’s flocks and Jacob could see that Laban had a different look on his face, Jacob knew it was time to leave. God also told him it was time to take his family and leave. Without telling Laban, Jacob took his family, his livestock, and possessions and left without saying goodbye.  

God was faithful to His promise and blessed Jacob financially. Jacob was exceedingly prosperous when he left with livestock, camels, donkeys, and servants. By this time Jacob had matured and was the leader of his family. It took him twenty years but God was with him.

You may be believing God for one or more of His promises to come to pass in your situation. Don’t give up if it seems to be taking a long time. Keep speaking His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.

(2 Tim. 2:13; Numbers 23:19) 

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