Litwithprayer Podcast

Angels & Talking Animals

Litwithprayer Podcast

Last week we discussed the situation of Balaam, who seemed like a prophet of God, but was actually described as a prophet who practiced divination (an evil practice of sorcery, fortune telling, and black magic), completely against God’s Word. The Israelites were warned and commanded not to practice those arts and were subject to stoning if they were caught. (Leviticus 20:27)

Balaam received God’s message that he was not to go to the king of Moab and put curses on the Israelites because they had already been blessed by God. He, however, was tempted to find a way where he could obey God, but also get the riches and rewards that the king promised him. Unlike true prophets of God (Elijah), who refused any money for miracles, Balaam was paid for his “blessing & cursing” services. Balaam was open to God and the many demonic spirits that would give him supernatural knowledge and power to bless and curse.

Although Balaam was already told by God not to go to the king of Moab he made a second request to God. This time God said, “If the men come to call you, rise up, and go with them; but yet the Word which I shall say unto you, you shall do.” We can surmise that the men did not come to call him first, because he had already gotten up the next morning and saddled his donkey to go with them. The next verse says that God’s anger was aroused because he went with them.

As Balaam was riding his donkey, the donkey made some moves on her own and would not go where Balaam was directing her. The Bible says that the donkey could see an angel with a sword in front of him so she steered away from the path into a field. Balaam hit his donkey and directed her back on the path. Again the angel appeared in front of the donkey and this time there was a wall on both sides of the road and the donkey veered towards one wall crushing Balaam’s foot. Balaam hit his donkey again. The angel went further up the road where there was a narrow pass and the donkey would have to run into the angel if she continued. This time the donkey just laid down on the ground before getting close to the angel. Balaam was so angry that he hit her with his staff.

Then God opened the mouth of the donkey and she spoke to Balaam asking him why he had hit her three times. He replied that she had abused him and if he had a sword he would have killed her. The donkey replied that she had been obedient since she came into his possession and had never done such things before. God opened Balaam’s eyes and he was able to see the angel with his sword drawn. The angel asked Balaam why he had struck the donkey three times. He went on to tell him that he would have killed him and let the donkey go. Balaam confessed that he had sinned and he didn’t know that he stood in his way. He asked if he should go back and the angel told him to go with the men to the king but only speak what God tells him.

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