Litwithprayer Podcast

Fight Temptation with God's Word

Litwithprayer Podcast

After Jesus had been baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy spirit  descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice from heaven said,”You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” From that moment Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit. He was led  into the wilderness where he  didn’t eat anything and was tempted by the devil for forty days. The devil tempted Him in every way he could and towards the end when Jesus was hungry, He challenged Jesus to prove that He was the Son of God by commanding a stone to become bread. But Jesus only answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God.’”

Jesus was quoting scripture from Deuteronomy 8:3 when God fed the Israelites manna every morning. Manna was bread that came from heaven each day to feed the Israelites. They had to consume their daily ration and not save any for the next day. If they tried, the food would be spoiled or rotten. God was teaching them to rely on Him for their daily bread or daily needs.

When temptation came from the devil, Jesus used the Word of God against him. Jesus at this point was hungry and physically weak after not eating for forty days. Satan tried the same trick or  temptation he used with Adam and Eve in the garden. He tempted Eve with forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that he said would give her wisdom and be like God. She ate of the fruit and also gave it to Adam who also ate in disobedience to God.

 Jesus is referred to as the second Adam. The first Adam did not use the Word of God when tempted to eat of the fruit,  but Jesus, the second Adam, did not fall for Satan’s trickery. He used the Word of God and did not try to prove He was the Son of God by doing what Satan asked Him to do. Jesus knew Who He was and didn’t need to obey Satan’s request to prove it.

 We are always faced with temptation, but do we use the Word of God to overcome it? Jesus knew Who He was and we should know who we are in Christ Jesus.  When we give our lives to the Lord, we become new creations and the children of God. Our identity is what God says who we are. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, we are redeemed, we are saved, we are healed, we are a chosen and holy people, we are God’s handiwork made in His image. (Deut. 28:13; Eph 2:10)

 So when you are tempted to beat yourself up for something you feel guilty about, when you are tempted to fear and be anxious, or tempted to do something you know is wrong, use the Word of God as your weapon and live a victorious life through Jesus Christ, our Savior. (Romans 8:37)

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